M/V Ocean State, 65’ Crowther Cat high speed ferry"Speed increased from 22 to 26 kts @1850 rpm."38’ Down East lobster boat"I picked up a knot and my fuel use dropped 2 gallons an hour."37’ Topaz"Picked up 2 knots at the same RPM."40’ Formula with 2 pairs of Volvo IPS Props"After scanning my props, Mike calculated that I needed to gain at least 80 rpms. He reduced the pitch from 26.6 inches to 26 inches and I gained 100 rpms. My speed went from 38 mph to 42 mph, fuel consumption was reduced and the vibration was eliminated."41’ Hatteras"One and a half knots faster at lower rpm. Very smooth – Very happy."42’ Ocean Yacht S/F"Props are phenomenal. Boat runs better than new. Does 27 knots now. Only used to do about 19 knots."Please tell us what you think below. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Overall Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars Testimonial: Δ